import RSVP from 'rsvp';
import { bind } from '@ember/runloop';
import { getOwner } from '@ember/application';
import BaseStore from './base';
import objectsAreEqual from '../utils/objects-are-equal';
import isFastBoot from '../utils/is-fastboot';
Session store that persists data in the browser's `sessionStorage`.
__`sessionStorage` is not available in Safari when running in private mode.__
__This session store does not work with FastBoot. In order to use Ember
Simple Auth with FastBoot, configure the
{@linkplain CookieStore} as the application's session
@class SessionStorageStore
@extends BaseStore
export default BaseStore.extend({
The `sessionStorage` key the store persists data in.
@memberof SessionStorageStore
@property key
@type String
@default 'ember_simple_auth-session'
key: 'ember_simple_auth-session',
init() {
this._isFastBoot = this.hasOwnProperty('_isFastBoot')
? this._isFastBoot
: isFastBoot(getOwner(this));
if (!this.get('_isFastBoot')) {
window.addEventListener('storage', bind(this, this._handleStorageEvent));
willDestroy() {
if (!this.get('_isFastBoot')) {
window.removeEventListener('storage', bind(this, this._handleStorageEvent));
Persists the `data` in the `sessionStorage`.
@memberof SessionStorageStore
@method persist
@param {Object} data The data to persist
@return {Ember.RSVP.Promise} A promise that resolves when the data has successfully been persisted and rejects otherwise.
persist(data) {
this._lastData = data;
data = JSON.stringify(data || {});
sessionStorage.setItem(this.key, data);
return RSVP.resolve();
Returns all data currently stored in the `sessionStorage` as a plain object.
@memberof SessionStorageStore
@method restore
@return {Ember.RSVP.Promise} A promise that resolves with the data currently persisted in the store when the data has been restored successfully and rejects otherwise.
restore() {
let data = sessionStorage.getItem(this.key);
return RSVP.resolve(JSON.parse(data) || {});
Clears the store by deleting the
{@linkplain sessionStorageStore.key} from
@memberof SessionStorageStore
@method clear
@return {Ember.RSVP.Promise} A promise that resolves when the store has been cleared successfully and rejects otherwise.
clear() {
this._lastData = {};
return RSVP.resolve();
_handleStorageEvent(e) {
if (e.key === this.get('key')) {
this.restore().then(data => {
if (!objectsAreEqual(data, this._lastData)) {
this._lastData = data;
this.trigger('sessionDataUpdated', data);