

import RSVP from 'rsvp';
import BaseStore from './base';

  Session store that __persists data in memory and thus is not actually
  persistent__. It does also not synchronize the session's state across
  multiple tabs or windows as those cannot share memory. __This store is mainly
  useful for testing and will automatically be used when running tests.__

  @class EphemeralStore
  @extends BaseStore
export default BaseStore.extend({
  init() {

    Persists `data`. This replaces all currently stored data.

    @memberof EpemeralStore
    @method persist
    @param {Object} data The data to persist
    @return {Ember.RSVP.Promise} A promise that resolves when the data has successfully been persisted and rejects otherwise.
  persist(data) {
    this._data = JSON.stringify(data || {});

    return RSVP.resolve();

    Returns all data currently stored as a plain object.

    @memberof EpemeralStore
    @method restore
    @return {Ember.RSVP.Promise} A promise that resolves with the data currently persisted in the store when the data has been restored successfully and rejects otherwise.
  restore() {
    const data = JSON.parse(this._data) || {};

    return RSVP.resolve(data);

    Clears the store.

    @memberof EpemeralStore
    @method clear
    @return {Ember.RSVP.Promise} A promise that resolves when the store has been cleared successfully and rejects otherwise.
  clear() {
    delete this._data;
    this._data = '{}';

    return RSVP.resolve();